Parts (one, two, three)
Although I have been using Apple Macintosh since 1994 (and NEXT) I have been mainly using Windows for developing and Mac for some home development and entertainment systems.
This is the tools I have started to use during my first months.

Usually I have a full screen with three or so panes so I can se build status, logs at the same time.
![]() |
ITerm shortcuts from Cheatsheet |
It is also simple to move focus between the windows with the keyboard or mouse. I show some of these commands in the video below, for example: Shift-⌘-Enter⏎. enlarges the current windows to maxsize,
The fonts I mainly use (for coding and console applications) are:
Keyboard setup
To modify the default keyboard you can use Ukelele. Ukelele is a Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor for Mac OS X versions 10.2 and later.
I have a Swedish keyboard and I hava remapped some of the keys and removed the dead-key sequences for ^ and ~. I started with this keymap from Martin Wernestål and I have remapped the caps-lock key as per A useful Caps Lock key
I have a Swedish keyboard and I hava remapped some of the keys and removed the dead-key sequences for ^ and ~. I started with this keymap from Martin Wernestål and I have remapped the caps-lock key as per A useful Caps Lock key
Mouse acceleration
Standard mouse acceleration on OS X is not great, SmoothMouse for OS X solves that problem.
The Package manager
I use Homebrew and Appstore as package managers
Note that Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to OS X applications and large binaries alike.
Note that Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to OS X applications and large binaries alike.
Installed brews
These are my installed brews, I wont go into detail about them but have a look at the bold linked ones, you should have a look at if you don't know about hem already. Install with:
$ brew install <brew>
The following is a gist with my current "brews"
The Shell
I use Zsh with oh-my-zsh installed. I do not have so many specific settings but the below are the ones I have in my zshrc:
plugins=(git brew tmux scala sbt github gradle mvn screen vi-mode java )
#Jdk versions
alias setjdk16='export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.6)'
alias setjdk17='export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7)'
alias setjdk18='export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)'
bindkey '\e[A' history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey '\e[B' history-beginning-search-forward
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